Mutated Strain of Corona virus Found in the UK: Impacts, Remedies and Solutions against This Menace


The mutated strain of Covid-19 has worsened to the hazardous level in England and also accentuates an alarming situation to come. The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced respectively to keep the population under strict regulations. Eventually, the said-above mutated strain of Covid-19 is more transmissible. It is 70% more transmissible than its first wave of virus that has erupted in England. The current situation regarding the second wave of this pandemic which is much mutated witnessed the following immediate impact in the shape of steps by the governments to regulate.

 Immediate Impact: Government's Ban on International Flights from England 

Recently, Pakistan has imposed travelling restrictions on passengers from England to Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan executed this decision in the wake of the overspread of the mutated strain of Covid-19 second wave to an alarming extent in England.

 Given the present situation regarding the pandemic, there are many steps that the respective governments are taking to curb the likely impacts. This virus is said to widen extremely if the movement across the borders remains unlimited. 

To curb it requires governments to restrict cross border travel. That is why the Pakistan government undertook the decision which highlights its commitment to its national benefits. 

This is not only what Pakistan has committed. Saudi Arabia and UAE have also suspended international flights from England. The disease is a menace that cripples the mental peace of a single person who falls prey to it in the home. If one family is suffering from the said menace of disease, the whole society disturbs which triggers further negative impacts on the national level. 

It is very important to know that a sole country that is experiencing an affliction is not the trouble of a single country. It is the affliction of the whole world particularly when the world has taken the shape of a globalised village. This is the saga of a commonly known disease. 


Nevertheless, how to assess the calamity of a pandemic that is spreading like a wind-driven smog in the world is very critical. Yes, this is a massive occurrence in the wake of the said above mutated strain of the second wave as the international sources maintain. 

Afterwards, how to manage the fatal consequences becomes very important for both the governments and masses across the continents. That is why both organic tiers of any nation should gird up their loins and be ready to face it. 

Remedies and Solutions against the Mutated Second Wave

Accordingly, it is an alarming situation that requires the decision-making elites to cope with it with urgent emphasis. The following measures are suggested concerning urgent remedies against the said menace:

 Avoid Panic

The mutated strain of the pandemic at a moment created panic among the masses throughout England. People were trying to escape from London. All were seen in a very dreadful situation. The panic was obvious. The UK government enforced them to remain in their homes by imposing a Curfew. Thus, being panicked is not the right way to face the pandemic. It will exacerbate the situation further. The more panic people will observe, the lesser resistance they will amass against the mutated pandemic. They must remain calm and should not panic against it. 

Accept International Protocols

The second remedy is to accept international protocols. Rationally, if Pakistan has imposed a ban on international flights from England, it should be taken purely as part of international protocol. The UK government should not consider it as an offence. Similarly, a lot of other countries have the right to cancel international travel and movement. Therefore, any reaction to the above said actions may be more destructive for the whole world. So, accepting said above manoeuvres is another remedy against the mutated strain of Covid-19. 

Avoid Going to Christmas

25th of December 2020 is close. The followers of Christianity celebrate it with great zeal. Of course, these followers are the greatest following in the world. Celebrating Christmas will allow people to ensure social gathering that will lead to the baneful situation. Therefore, Christianity across the continents is required to celebrate Christmas within their homes. They must avoid the previous outings for participating in the churches. 

Observe SOPs

The next foremost remedy against this mutated strain is to observe SOPs strictly. It will be an immediate solution against the widespread of the said-above strain. The more observance of SOPs people will ensure the greater protection it would provide. Previously, Pakistan ranked in the top of the countries that successfully curtailed the hazards of the first wave of the said pandemic. This was, in fact, the result of observation of SOPs that restricted the victims’ numbers merely to several thousand hundred. Thus, observing SOPs would prove to be a relevant remedy.

Eat Hygienic Foods

Eating hygienic foods begets energy-based health to a human. Eating such foods makes humans healthier. Healthier people can fight accurately against the outspread of the pandemic. Therefore, it is requested of the populace of all over the world to maintain their health by eating healthy foods to install a remedy against it.

Remedial Measures

Be Relaxed

Being relaxed in the wake of the outbreak of the mutated strain of the Covid-19 will be a cause of a strong harmonic system. With a stronger harmonic system, a human can fight fairly against the diseases. Therefore, it is suggested to be relaxed in the emerging situation. The people across the continents must be relaxed so that a perfect defence against the emergent wave may be availed. 

 Take Complete Rest

Taking a complete rest is also a key to boost up the internal prowess of a human to fight against the mutated strain of Covid-19. Previously, the health specialists observed that 60 % of Covid victims recovered from it due to taking complete rest. A complete rest leads to the perfect function of organs that strengthens a harmonic system to fight well against the pandemic. 

Limit Social Gathering

To avail a remedy against the mutated strain of Covid-19, people must limit social gathering. These gatherings include social, political, cultural, and financial collective gatherings. To seek a remedy against the second wave of the pandemic, people must limit social gatherings. 

 Rely on Allah SWT

The foremost remedy against the mutated strain of Covid-19 and its respective impacts is that the faithful followers must rely on Allah SWT. They should engage most of their time in remembering Allah SWT. It will certainly lead to success against the mutated strain of the Covid-19. 


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