Precautions, Prevention and Suspicions against the Pandemic going on throughout the world

CAA, Pandemic, Vaccination, Vaccine, UK, Muslims in UK

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 2. Family Handyman

While the hue and cry of the pandemic remaining aloud, many states are undergoing precautionary, preventive measures on one hand and are facing suspicions against the proposed vaccine on the other. To study precautions and prevention, the state of Pakistan’s stance is available. To know about the suspicions against the pandemic, the UK scenario remains adequate.


First, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) undergoes a set of precautionary measures. It requires certain SOPs to be observed by the flights that fly directly from UK, South Africa, and Category C countries. Accordingly, the crew of the flights from the said countries must have a negative PCR test if they want to enter Pakistan.

This test must be taken only 72 hours earlier than flights overtake. The crew must be shifted in hotels and will remain in mandatory quarantine. However, the travelers who flew from category A countries are exempted from this test. Thus, all this description unveils the precautionary measures that the state of Pakistan is undertaking for safe Pakistan.

Second, on the part of prevention, another anecdote is available in the shape of Pakistan’s scenario. Actually, on January 19 and 20, two days respectively, the vaccination program was arranged by the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates which managed to vaccinate the embassy’s employees. According to the officials, this vaccination continued only after the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan approved the Sinopharm vaccine for emergency use. Hammad Obaid Ibrahim Al-Zaabi announced it to be a part of the embassy’s commitment to social responsibility and vowed to continue it in the future.


Third, to know about suspicions regarding the vaccine against the pandemic, the latest development in the UK occurred. The British imams occupied the vacuum with the fight of arguments over the matter of vaccine’s relevance with Islamic commandments. Qari Asim, chairman of the Mosques and Imams Advisory Board, said that the vaccine is per Islamic practices.

On the other hand, a report from the scientific committee showed mistrust regarding the vaccine among the ethnic minorities. The black origins, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims are among those who suspect the purity of the vaccine. Per their perspective, the vaccine is contaminated with pork gelatin and alcohol which Islam forbids its followers to eat or drink.

Finally, the essence is that the developments regarding the pandemic include three; first, many states are following precautions against the widespread of the pandemic. Second, preventive measures are being pursued. The vaccination stands as the foremost development as prevention against the pandemic.

Nowadays, the top news highlights worldwide revolve around the vaccination mystery. Third, the suspicions among the Muslims are a reality. The Muslims are very curious about their faith. Muslims despise everything that seems harmful to their faith. Therefore, the Muslims must follow the faith that is a priceless and matchless treasure for them.


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