Bidden Administration to Start a New Era of War, Afghan Deal Goes into Reverse

 US Decision Making, Afghan Peace Deal, Likely War

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Recently, a very serious development regarding peace and stability in the world has taken place. White House has taken a U-turn on the peace deal concluded by the Trump Administration with the Afghan Taliban last year. 

The White House declares to continue the deployment of the US troops in Afghanistan and the ongoing withdrawal has been paused for an unknown period. Many speculations were expected by the beginning of this year. Certainly, the already hazardous situation is likely to exacerbate with the new decision same like had been expected. 


 It is certainly a blow to the much-awaited peace in the region. In a profound analysis by the experts, the Afghan peace deal is considered to be the foremost task that the Bidden has to deal with. Finally, the decision on the deal has been reviewed. On the parallel hand, the Afghan officials have appreciated this decision. 


There might be depressing impacts of the said above decision which are as under: On domestic fronts, the hell and fire will exceed in poison and destruction. The warring parties will leave no stone un-turned in pursuit of their vested objectives that will lead to further destruction. Thus, the peace and tranquility will remain disappearing. 


On the regional level, the heat of the fight will reach Pakistan, Indian, and Iran. With the US decision to continue the war, The Indian intelligence will build more bastions on the Afghan land. These bastions are perceived as a direct threat by Pakistan for its security in Baluchistan. Therefore, a cycle of actions and maneuvers seems to take place that is a portent of the antagonistic indirect wars expanding multi-directional on the regional level. 

On the international level, the decision is the indication of a great volcano to explode. The US troops’ deployment in Afghanistan seems to enter the era of unending wars. This is a tragic situation that may have destructive impacts on the entire humanity in the world. Therefore, it is reasoned to uphold that the decision is not conducive for peace. 


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