The World Faces a Danger of Electro-Magnetic Pulse Weapon (EMPW)

 Wars, Destruction, Rivalry, Global Scenario

Presently, the whole world is at the mercy of hazardous weaponry that remains very destructive due to the robust sophistication in the field of defense technology. EMPW is the blend of the most sophisticated technology of the age that will lead in the ongoing era in major conflicts. EMPW is essentially a weapon oriented development built by major powers in the world. Certainly, these weapons will victimize the world massively. EMPW will be the cause of havoc for humanity on a matchless large scale. However, the following field will be affected immediately: 



1. Urbanized System:

In the ongoing era, urbanized centers are growing rapidly, triggering the most urbanized civilization in human history. Although it has many positive aspects, yet the negative shocks go hand in hand in the wake of every phenomenon in the world. In the wake of the EMPW attack, the urbanized centers will be the immediate target and also will suffer in multidimensional ways. The sophisticated supply and communication in the array of domestic dependence on electricity will aggravate the living situation. Ultimately, these centers will be the first major victim in the wake of any AMPW attack. 

2. Communication Sector:

Storming the World

Among the different aspects of human life, communication will be the most-affected area that serves the world today in very complex ways. It has become essentially a basic need to be associated with modern communication. Telecommunication, transportation, and traveling are an essential part of this communication. In the wake of the said AMPW attack, this facet will have destructive effects in the world. 

 3. Military Installments

Certainly, military installments will remain a direct target of the said-above EMPW attack. Certainly, this may ignite an uncontrollable, endless, and destructive war that will be enough to destroy the world. Military software and hardware, computers, and electronic systems may be under attack. Thus, EMPW will have destructive impacts on military installments

To conclude, the ongoing era particularly this decade (2021-2030) will experience a complete function and usage as well as the said above EMPW that will nearly cripple the entire human activities. To suggest how to avoid the impacts, the next article will include solutions. 


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